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Executive Summary: What Is NFT 2.0? New NFT Token Standards on the Horizon

In this article, I explore several emerging Ethereum token standards like ERC-6956, ERC-5773, ERC-6059, ERC-6220, ERC-6381, and ERC-6454.

Summary: Several new Ethereum token standards for NFTs aim to enhance utility and interoperability, enabling use cases like asset binding, context-dependent outputs, nesting, composability, emojis, and transfer restrictions.

ERC-6956 (Asset-Bound NFTs):

  • Anchors token 1:1 to a real-world asset via oracle verification
  • Use cases: tokenize physical/digital assets like art, machine parts, collectibles

ERC-5773 (Context-Dependent Multi-Asset Tokens):

  • NFT displays different asset depending on context
  • Use cases: cross-metaverse assets, multimedia redundancy, evolvable NFTs

ERC-6059 (Parent-Governed Nestable NFT):

  • NFT can own other NFTs in parent-child hierarchy
  • Use cases: bundling, collecting, memberships, voting

ERC-6220 (Composable NFTs):

  • NFTs can be customized by adding/removing parts
  • Use cases: customizable art, dynamic content, token progression

ERC-6381 (Unicode Emojis):

  • Allows interacting with NFTs via emojis
  • Use cases: interactivity, feedback, valuation

ERC-6454 (Minimal Transferable NFT Detection):

  • Enables creation of non-transferable NFTs
  • Use cases: verifiable attribution, immutable properties, reputational avatars

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What Is NFT 2.0? New NFT Token Standards on the Horizon | CoinMarketCap
Explore new token standards for NFTs and its potential uses cases in bringing more utility to the current NFT market.