1 min read

Executive Summary: Real-World Assets (RWA): Bridging the Gap Between DeFi and TradFi

In this article, I explain what real-world assets (RWA) are and how they bridge traditional and decentralized finance by tokenizing real-world assets and bringing them on-chain. I analyze the current RWA market and key protocols and examine future trends and growth potential.
Executive Summary: Real-World Assets (RWA): Bridging the Gap Between DeFi and TradFi

Summary: Real-world assets (RWA) bridge traditional and decentralized finance by tokenizing real assets to bring them on-chain, providing capital access and utilizing DeFi efficiencies.

What are RWAs:

  • Off-chain assets like real estate tokenized into digital tokens.
  • Bring real assets on-chain for use in DeFi protocols.

How RWAs work: 

  • Formalize off-chain, bridge on-chain, connect supply and demand.
  • Convert asset info to tokens, use oracles, integrate into DeFi protocols.

RWA market:

  • Small but active, fixed income largest sector.
  • Loans backed by real collateral or unsecured.

Key RWA protocols:

  • Goldfinch: Emerging market business loans with crypto collateral.
  • Centrifuge: Tokenized structured credit and pooled assets.
  • Maple: Uncollateralized lending with professional credit checks.

Case study:

  • Real estate platform Propy tokenizes properties as NFTs proxying LLC ownership.

Future trends:

  • Dedicated RWA chains, clearer regulations.
  • Growth potential if high interest rates continue.

Full article:

Real-World Assets (RWA): Bridging the Gap Between DeFi and TradFi | CoinMarketCap
Real-world assets (RWA) are the missing link between DeFi and TradFi. Learn how DeFi is bringing RWA on-chain, blending the best of both worlds!